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Response Summary:

Montana School District ARP ESSER Plan Update

This tool allows districts to update their ARP ESSER plans at any point.  Updates must be completed at least once every six months.


Federal Requirement
The US Department of Education (USED) required the OPI to establish a process for district plans consistent with the ARP ESSER requirements for the use of ARP ESSER funds and ensure plans be made available to the public, within no later than 90 days after a district received its ARP ESSER allocation (August 24, 2021). The requirements for the school district plans include, at a minimum, how districts will:

 1. use funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies; 
 2. use the funds totaling not less than 20% to address lost instructional time; 
 3. spend its remaining 80% of ARP ESSER funds; 
 4. respond to needs of student disproportionately affected by the pandemic; and 
 5. meaningfully engage with and consult stakeholders in crafting their plans. 
Each of these federally required components are embedded into this school district ARP ESSER plan.

In addition, the USED requires the OPI to support and monitor each school district's use of ARP ESSER funds, including:
i. implementation of evidence-based interventions;
ii. address the student groups specifically that were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic; and
iii. identify, reengage, and support students who have experienced the impact of lost instructional time.  
The plan will provide the information necessary for the OPI to support and monitor school districts as they move forward.
State Components
Throughout this school district ARP ESSER plan, the OPI has emphasized local control and coordination of state initiatives and requirements so that school districts can identify and innovate solutions for unique local needs and priorities. These components are embedded in the school district ARP ESSER plan. Additionally, the OPI will seek flexibility from the Board of Public Education to use the Goals section of this plan in place of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). 

Initial ARP-ESSER plans were developed through the use of a template.  This plan update tool will provide districts with their most recent plan submission presented with the same fields and sections as their initial plan.  

The sections of this tool match the sections of the template provided for districts to use for the creation of their plans.  

The template sections are as follows: 
1. School District-Identified Priorities
2. Meaningful Consultation 
3. Goals 
4. Coordinating Funds 
5. Creating Safe and Healthy Learning Environment 
6. Addressing Lost Instructional Time 
7. Supporting the Educator Workforce 
8. Monitoring and Measuring Impact of ARP ESSER funds 


Prior to updating your school district ARP ESSER plan, consider the following:

What data do you have available to you to measure the impact of your work and guide plan adjustments?

What feedback have you received from stakeholders around your plan and/or your plan implementation?

What steps have you taken to engage stakeholders in your update process?


Instructions for updating your school district ARP ESSER plan

  • Review the information in each field to verify that it matches the information you have at the local level.  In the event that there is a difference please update any impacted fields during your update process.
  • It is recommended that you complete your plan revision in a single sitting.  If you are unable to do this please click through to the end of the survey and note on the final page that this submission represents an unfinished update draft.  
  • After you hit submit you will receive an email that contains a link that you can use for your next update.  If you were submitting a draft update please be sure to return to complete your draft before the deadline.
Resources to help with completing your plan
Next Steps:  
  • When you submit your update you will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to access a PDF of your plan submission and a link to complete your next update.
Please review the information in these fields and verify that it reflects the submission of this update.  
Q5. Please choose your county and district from the dropdown.
County Lincoln
District Lincoln ~ Fortine Elem, LE0529
Q6. Who is the Authorized Representative submitting this form? 

Laura Pluid

Q11. Please indicate your role in the district.
  • Principal
Q9. What is your AR email as shown in Egrants?

Q8. What is your school district phone number?


Q74. Describe the stakeholder consultation that was completed to inform this update.  Include dates, locations, and links where relevant.

The Fortine Board of Trustees discussed the use of ESSER funds, specifically funds earmarked for an addition to the school to implement targeted interventions and hands-on learning projects, during regular school board meetings in 2023. Stakeholders were made aware of these discussions through the dissemination of the agenda on our school website, facebook, and school public notice board. Stakeholders spoke on this topic both during public comment and during agenda topics. Additionally, school district staff recommended continuing with the plan as written, as assessments show that progress is being made toward the District's goals.

Q75. Please write a summary statement describing this update.  Example: "This submission reflects our first update of our plan in November of 2021"

This submission reflects the update of our plan in June of 2023.

1. School District-Identified Priorities
Q33. Please provide the top priorities the school district has determined as the most pressing needs for students and schools within the school district as a result or in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. You may elect between 1-3 priorities by checking the box and providing the text response. 
  • Priority 1:

    Respond to learning loss in ELA and Math as a result of Covid 19.

  • Priority 2:

    Determine and respond to students' SEL needs through explicit instruction.

  • Priority 3:

    Provide hands-on STEAM activities to promote student engagement and higher level thinking skills.

Q34. When you identified each of your district's priorities, what data points did you use? Please list any and all data sources, such as attendance, interim assessments, surveys, etc. 

School developed survey for students, parents, and staff.

STAR Math and Reading Assessments

DIBELS Assessments

Fountas and Pinnell Diagnostic Reading Assessment

Math 180 Assessments

EnVision Math Diagnostic Assessment

Attendance tracking

Q24. Please indicate which of the following student groups specifically referenced in ARP ESSER were more affected than others in your district. Choose all that apply.
  • Other (please identify in the box below):

    No specific student groups were more affected than others.

2. Meaningful Consultation
Q25. ARP ESSER requires school districts to consult with a wide variety of stakeholders when developing a plan. Please select all of the following groups of stakeholders your district consulted and/or plans to consult. 

  • Parents
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Staff
  • Local bargaining units
  • County health departments
  • Community members
Q26. What method(s) did you use to seek stakeholder input? Choose all that apply.
  • Public meetings
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Email
3. Goals

Goal Action Plan: 

Please define your Math goal, English Language Arts (ELA) goal, and other goal, based on the priorities you identified.

Explain what instruments or methods will be used to monitor the progress of the goals and determine if the goals are met. Click the box and provide the text response for each applicable box.

  • Math Goal:

    The District will increase students' achievement in math by 5% in all standard areas in grades K - 8.

    The District uses STAR Math 3 times per year in grades K - 8 to assess student progress. Students receiving math interventions receive STAR Progress Monitoring or EasyCBM progress monitoring every 3 weeks. The EnVision Math Diagnostic Assessment is used to assess students that test at a Level 1" on the STAR Math assessment. In addition, the District uses the SBAC results and classroom assessments to determine student needs.

  • ELA Goal:

    The District will increase students' achievement in ELA by 5% in fluency and reading comprehension.

    The District uses STAR Reading 3 times per year in K - 8 and DIBELS 3 times per year in K - 4 to assess student progress in ELA, in addition to SBAC and classroom assessments. Students determined to need interventions are assessed using Fountas and Pinnell Diagnostic Reading Assessment, and are progress monitored every 3 weeks in STAR and/or DIBELS.

  • Other Goal (For example, SEL, Mental Health, Graduation Rates, Recruitment/Retention, Professional Development, Community and Family Engagement, etc.):

    Students in grades K - 8 will develop their skills in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Students will use specific, explicitly taught skills in each of the 5 SEL components 80% of the time as measured by behavior tracking logs.

    The District purchased The Second Step SEL program in October of 2022 to teach students specific skills to increase competence in each area.


Goal Action Plan, Part 2: 

Identify what strategies/action steps will be used to support the achievement of the goals.

Describe a realistic and achievable timeline to achieve the goals. 
Identify who is responsible to ensure the strategies/action steps are achieved. 

Click the box and provide the text response for each applicable box.

  • Math Goal Strategies, Actions, Timelines, and Assignments:

    1. Instructional paraprofessionals and specialist teachers will work with students needing interventions in specific math skill areas as determined by STAR, SBAC, EnVision Diagnostic Assessment, and classroom assessments.

    2. Staff will use bi-weekly "Early-out" time to analyze data and review the effectiveness of student intervention programs.

    3. Teachers will continue to employ differentiation strategies within their math lessons to meet each student's unique needs.

    4. Teachers will use hands-on STEAM activities to promote student engagement, interest, and motivation.

    As our staff is very small, the principal, teachers, and paras will all be involved in the bi-weekly meetings. The teachers and paras will be responsible for delivering instruction and keeping data. The principal will ensure the action plan is followed. Math goals will be met by June of 2024.

    Interventions are on-going throughout the year. Intervention plans that do not show student progress after 8 weeks of implementation will be reviewed and modified until growth is shown. Students will be exited if proficiency is achieved. Students may qualify for interventions at any time throughout the year if they are deficient in a skill area.

  • ELA Goal Strategies, Actions, Timelines, and Assignments:

    1. Instructional paraprofessionals and specialist teachers will work with students needing interventions in specific ELA skill areas as determined by STAR, DIBELS, Fountas and Pinnell Diagnostic Reading Assessment, SBAC, and classroom assessments.

    2. Staff will use bi-weekly "Early-out" time to analyze data and review the effectiveness of student intervention programs.

    3. Teachers will continue to employ differentiation strategies within their ELA lessons to meet each student's unique needs.

    As our staff is very small, the principal, teachers, and paras will all be involved in the bi-weekly meetings. The teachers and paras will be responsible for delivering instruction and keeping data. The principal will ensure the action plan is followed.

    ELA goals will be met by June of 2024.

    Interventions are on-going throughout the year. Intervention plans that do not show student progress after 8 weeks of implementation will be reviewed and modified until growth is shown. Students will be exited if proficiency is achieved. Students may qualify for interventions at any time throughout the year if they are deficient in a skill area.

  • Other Goal (For example, SEL, Mental Health, Graduation Rates, Recruitment/Retention, Professional Development, Community and Family Engagement, etc.) Strategies, Actions, Timelines, and Assignments:

    The District purchased the Second Step SEL program for grades K - 8 in October of 2022. Each classroom teacher is responsible for delivering lessons in their individual classrooms. However, as this is a K - 8 program used school-wide, the school community will develop a common language and common goals in their SEL. Parents are informed throughout the year of the program goals and skills taught to help students achieve those goals through email, newsletters, and Family Engagement activities at the school. Students are recognized throughout the school for utilizing explicitly taught skills and strategies to increase their social-emotional awareness. Students receive "Fortine Bucks" from any staff member that witnesses them utilizing these skills. The "Bucks" can be used at a school store set up at the end of each quarter. The success of the program is measured using individual behavior logs. Attendance, work completion, and office referrals for behavior will also be tracked in the District Office to monitor the success of the program's goals.

    The SEL program will be implemented throughout the year and reviewed monthly or as needed. The District SEL goal will be met by June of 2024.

    A team (principal, teacher, parent, paraprofessional, student) will be formed for students not finding success with the program, and an individual behavior plan will be developed. This plan will be reviewed regularly to determine progress.

Q14. For which of the following student groups do you have a distinct Math goal? Choose all that apply.
  • None
Q63. For which of the following student groups do you have a distinct English Language Arts (ELA) goal? Choose all that apply.
  • None
Q64. For which of the following student groups do you have a distinct goal other than Math or ELA? Choose all that apply.
  • None
Q15. Describe your Math goal for each identified student group.


Q16. Describe your ELA goal for each identified student group.


Q65. Describe your Other goal for each identified student group.


Q67. If you are planning to develop or use approaches that are novel to achieve your Math, ELA, or other goal, would you be willing to have the OPI share your approaches with state and federal entities? If so, please briefly describe your innovation below.


4. Coordinating Funds
Identify other federal funding that you are coordinating with ARP ESSER funds to most effectively use funds to address student needs. 
Q60. Did you coordinate ARP ESSER funds with other federal funds to address student needs?
  • Yes
Q57. Please select each type of federal funding you are coordinating with ARP ESSER funds to most effectively use funds to address student needs.
  • Title I, Part A of the ESEA (Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs)
  • Title II, Part A of the ESEA (Supporting Effective Instruction)
  • Title IV, Part A of the ESEA (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants)
5. Creating Safe and Healthy Learning Environments
Determine if ARP funds will be used to implement prevention and mitigation strategies, to the greatest extent practicable, in order to continuously operate schools for in-person learning.  
Q12. If you are planning to use ARP ESSER funds for prevention and/or mitigation strategies, please select the evidence-based practices below and/or describe an additional practice in the Other box. 
  • Social emotional learning
  • Academic support
  • Hiring new staff and avoiding layoffs
  • Meeting the nutritional needs of underserved students.
  • Providing safe, healthy, inclusive learning environments.
  • Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities
  • Planning for, coordinating, and implementing activities during long-term closures, including providing meals to eligible students, providing technology for online learning to all students, providing guidance for carrying out requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and ensuring other educational services can continue to be provided consistent with all Federal, State, and local requirements.
  • Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors including low-income students and children with disabilities, which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.
  • School facility repairs and improvements to enable operation of schools to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards, and to support student health needs.
  • Inspection, testing, maintenance, repair, replacement, and upgrade projects to improve the indoor air quality in school facilities, including mechanical and nonmechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, filtering, purification and other air cleaning, fans, control systems, and window and door repair and replacement
Q68. If you are planning to develop or use approaches that are novel to implement prevention and mitigation strategies, would you be willing to have the OPI share your approaches with state and federal entities? If so, please briefly describe your innovation below.


6. Addressing Lost Instructional Time
Describe how the school district will use ARP ESSER funds it reserves under Section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act to address lost instruction time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions.  The district must spend a minimum of 20% of ARP ESSER funds.  The full implementation of the evidence-based interventions should be considered including personnel, materials, equipment, professional development, and expenses needed to meet the needs of students.  Other evidenced-based practices may be utilized if the intervention meets one of the four tiers of evidence.  Evidence-based practices may be found at OPI's Multi-Tiered Systems of Support page.  
Q21. How do you plan to spend the required 20% set-aside to address lost instructional time? Choose all evidence-based practices that apply.
  • SEL learning supports
  • Evidenced-based curriculum
  • Accelerating learning through instructional approaches: In-school acceleration-Certified educators provide support for students within the classroom and grade-level work, using high-quality instructional materials, instructional strategies, and formative assessments.
  • Access to and effective use of technology
  • Engaging families in digital learning training and effectively using technology and platforms
  • Administering and using high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable, to accurately assess students’ academic progress and assist educators in meeting students’ academic needs, including through differentiating instruction
  • Providing information and assistance to parents and families on how they can effectively support students
  • Tracking student attendance and improving student engagement provided by the school
  • Distance/Remote Learning: connectivity (hot spots, outfitting buildings/buses with WiFi, other wireless, internet service, etc.), devices (laptops, tablets, etc.), printing costs for learning packets, instructional resources/tools, hardware, software, subscriptions, licenses, assistive technology or adaptive equipment, online learning platforms/learning management systems, other distance/remote learning costs
  • Other (please identify in the box below):

    Instructional paraprofessionals providing targeted interventions, which are developed and monitored using District assessments.

Q48. How do you plan to use the remaining 80% for the allowable uses of funds related to preventing, preparing for, and responding to COVID-19 as required by ESSER I, II, and III? See page 5 of the ARP ESSER Fact Sheet for more information. Choose all evidence-based practices that apply.
  • SEL learning supports
  • Evidenced-based curriculum
  • Access to and effective use of technology
  • Administering and using high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable, to accurately assess students’ academic progress and assist educators in meeting students’ academic needs, including through differentiating instruction
  • Providing information and assistance to parents and families on how they can effectively support students
  • Tracking student attendance and improving student engagement provided by the school
  • Distance/Remote Learning: connectivity (hot spots, outfitting buildings/buses with WiFi, other wireless, internet service, etc.), devices (laptops, tablets, etc.), printing costs for learning packets, instructional resources/tools, hardware, software, subscriptions, licenses, assistive technology or adaptive equipment, online learning platforms/learning management systems, other distance/remote learning costs
  • Hiring new staff and avoiding layoffs
  • Training and professional development for staff of the local educational agency on sanitation and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases
  • Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities
  • Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors including low-income students and children with disabilities, which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.
  • School facility repairs and improvements to enable operation of schools to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards, and to support student health needs.
  • Inspection, testing, maintenance, repair, replacement, and upgrade projects to improve the indoor air quality in school facilities, including mechanical and nonmechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, filtering, purification and other air cleaning, fans, control systems, and window and door repair and replacement.
Q70. If you are planning to develop or use approaches that are novel to address lost instructional time, would you be willing to have the OPI share your approaches with state and federal entities? If so, please briefly describe your innovation below.


7. Supporting the Educator Workforce

Determine if ARP funds will be used to support and stabilize the educator workforce consistent with Section 2001 (e) (2) of the ARP Act.  
Q51. How do you plan to use ARP funds to support and stabilize the educator workforce? Choose all that apply.
  • Technology to support learning: enable students to learn anywhere and teachers to teach essential standards

Please provide the estimated number of jobs (FTEs) that have been or will be created by the school district through the district’s planned use of ESSER III Funds. 



Please provide the estimated number of jobs (FTEs) that have been or will be retained by the LEA through the LEA’s planned use of ESSER III Funds. 


Q69. If you are planning to develop or use approaches that are novel to support and stabilize the educator workforce, would you be willing to have the OPI share your approaches with state and federal entities? If so, please briefly describe your innovation below.


8. Monitoring and Measuring Impact of ARP ESSER funds
Q53. How will the District monitor the impact of the ARP ESSER funded interventions or strategies, including but not limited to the 20% set-aside, to respond effectively to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those students disproportionately impacted?

The District will continue to track student academic progress through analyzing data from STAR Reading, Math and Early Literacy, DIBELS, EnVision Diagnostic Math Assessment, Fountas and Pinnell Diagnostic Reading Assessment, and classroom assessments. The District will track attendance, work completion, and behavior logs to help determine the effectiveness of the SEL program.

Q23.  Please indicate the type of data you are obtaining and using to monitor outcomes. 
  • Interim Formative Assessment
  • Summative assessments
  • Chronic absenteeism
  • Student engagement
  • Access to technology
  • Educator PD on technology
  • Access to and preparation of high-quality educators
  • Student, parent, or educator surveys
  • Classified and certified staff (numbers of positions or people)
  • Health protocols
You have reached the end of the LEA ARP ESSER Plan Update Tool.

Please take a moment to verify that your plan is fully updated. This is your last opportunity to use the back buttons to update or edit your responses before submitting. 

 When you are ready to submit please respond to the items below to ensure that the OPI is able to process your submission.
Q77. Please select the statement below that accurately describes your role:
  • I am the Authorized Representative for this district.
Q78. Please select the statement below that accurately describes this submission:
  • This is the first time we are submitting this plan update
Q79. Please Sign Here
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